

domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Rick Boer of RBF-Productions-NL is: Punished Snake

1) mgs_v___make_the_legend_come_back_to_life__by_rbf_productions_nl-d770eh9

A while back, we featured Rick Boer’s brilliant portrayals of Solid Snake & Naked Snake in this article - and they went down a storm. We’re happy to say that Rick Boer is back, and this time… he’s Punished Snake!
With Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes out next month,and Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain also on the horizon, Punished Snake (aka Naked Snake/Big Boss) is the fashionable Metal Gear character of the moment. As we saw from this E3 trailer, Punished Snake will be able to ride a horse in The Phantom Pain, and as you can see in the below gallery, Rick Boer has got himself some horse-riding snaps too for extra awesome. The amount of work Rick has gone to is clearly apparent in the pics – he even has some pretty convincing-looking scars on his face (well… we’re pretty sure they’re just cosmetic anyway)!
Rick’s extensive attention to detail is exemplified in his work on Punished Snake’s arm, as shown in the below gallery. The finished articles looks amazing, and we love that he’s put “RBF-Productions-NL” on the Diamond Dog’s arm piece. The pictures also illustrate how he’s modified other items of clothing to complete Snake’s look.
If you are as impressed with RBF-Productions-NL’s work as we are, make sure you keep up-to-date with his latest work by giving him a +Watch on his DeviantArt profile. The photos, meanwhile, were taken by Cynthia Veekens from - be sure to check out that site also!

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